Your Questions & Answers

The Irish Independent printed a great article from Brendan Burgess (founder of and Bill Tyson (Personal Finance Editor of the Irish Independent) covering the main questions and answers around the demutualisation of INBS.

If you have further questions, you can post a question on the Irish Nationwide discussion forum of Most questions on this forum are answered within a few hours.

If you have questions about the demutualisation campaign, feel free to contact my by email or by phone to 086-817-2545 (evenings & weekends).

Note that I have a real ‘conflict of interest’ when it comes to the most frequently asked question, i.e. ‘Should I open an Irish Nationwide account now?’ Every new share account opened at INBS could result in ‘diluting’ the demutualisation benefits that will be available to current account holders. So if I were to advise you to open an account, I could be reducing the size of my ‘slice of the pie’. So I'm probably not the best person to answer this question for you.